San Diego Pornography Defense
Even though it may appear that modern society has rather loose moral opinions, there are certain standards and guidelines that keep people from crossing too many boundaries. Unfortunately, few people realize what they are enjoying may be considered pornographic until the police slap the handcuffs on them and are carted off to jail.
This confusion has led to far too many innocent people to discover they need legal counsel to protect themselves and their rights. Different municipalities define pornography differently, and San Diego is no different. There are, however, countrywide definitions of pornography that apply equally everywhere. The Supreme Court defines pornography is all sexually explicit material intended primarily to arouse the reader, viewer, or listener.
Defining pornography is extremely difficult as opinions vary about this nebulous and subjective issue. In order to offer law enforcement officials guidelines on what can be deemed pornographic, the Supreme Court broke down material into four categories that are usually deemed illegal. Material is considered pornography if it includes:
- Indecency
- Material harmful to minors
- Obscenity
- Child pornography
Our lawyers appreciate the fact that if you are charged with a pornography offense, you desire discretion throughout your experience. We are ready to help you through this difficult period, and get you the justice you deserve.
If you have been charged with Pornography in Southern California, contact the San Diego Criminal Defense Lawyers at Steigerwalt Law Firm to discuss your case with them today!